Are you a thriving product manager? Worried about what you users need? Going clueless in the middle of nowhere? Let’s dig together and see how data analytics can help you with this. A good many organization that offers software product engineering services , may come to your rescue. Before that, let’s find here how they can help you with some tools.

Creating User Personas

What comes first when you sit to build a new product? Who will use it, right? Meaning your users, how do they look like? What do they do? Where can you find them? All in all, user persona is the key step to start. With user personas, you can tailor your product to fit your users' unique needs and preferences. Fortunately, there are several tools available to help you create accurate user personas, including Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Qualtrics, UXpressia, and

Tool Name What can it help you do?
Google Analytics Track user behavior and see how users interact with your website or app
Mixpanel Create custom metrics to track user behavior
Qualtrics Provides a platform for survey creation and analysis
UXpressia Create user journey maps Provides user data from multiple sources to help you create detailed user personas

Conducting User Research

What are the three key areas you focus on when you research on your users? Let’s start with their pain-points; what else? What motivates them? Or say, what are their expectations? This information is central to creating a product that meets your users' needs.

Many tools help you conduct user research, including UserTesting, Optimal Workshop, Hotjar, and UsabilityHub. Find below what they help with.

Tool Name What can it help you do?
UserTesting Get feedback on your product from real user
Optimal Workshop Allows you to conduct usability testing, card sorting, and tree testing
Hotjar Provides visual feedback and tracks user behavior
UsabilityHub Provides remote user testing and click testing

Identifying Pain Points

What helps you understand your product better than anyone else, if not for the areas where your users are dissatisfied and/or frustrated? Here is where data analytics tools such as Fullstory, Qualaroo, and SurveyMonkey come to the rescue. Let us explore a bit on what they can do for us.

Tool Name What can it help you do?
Fullstory Provides detailed insights into user behavior, including where users get stuck and where they experience frustration
Qualaroo Allows you to gather feedback from users on specific pain points
SurveyMonkey Allows you to conduct surveys and analyze the results to identify pain points

Prioritizing Features

When product managers are able to prioritize features based on user needs and preferences, what happens? Does the user have a better experience with your product? Can your sales numbers shoot up? Might you get accolades from your team for a job well done? The answer to all these questions is yes.

Several tools such as Appcues, Intercom, and Mixpanel help us in accomplishing exactly this. Here is how.

Tool Name What can it help you do?
Appcues Allows you to communicate with users and gather feedback
Intercom Allows you to gather feedback from users on specific pain points
Mixpanel Track user behavior and create custom metrics to help with feature prioritization.

Why Choose Nalashaa?

When it comes to software development services , Nalashaa is a company with over 10 years of industry experience. Our expertise in various technologies and agile methodologies makes us the ideal consultant to implement and maintain data analytics services for product managers. Contact us today at for quantifiable product growth!