Cloud engineering solutions and services refer to the design, deployment, and management of cloud infrastructure and applications. These services utilize cloud computing principles to build scalable, reliable, and cost-effective systems. They involve tasks such as infrastructure as code, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), security, and performance optimization. Cloud engineers leverage platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud to enable businesses to operate efficiently, ensuring robust and agile cloud environments tailored to specific needs.

Cloud Engineering Solutions and Services Can Solve These Challenges

Overcoming Long, Laborious Release Cycles

Are lengthy release cycles slowing down your innovation? We redefine the norm, enabling you to accelerate your software deployment processes. Embrace agility, reduce time-to-market, and stay ahead of the competition.

Inability to scale quickly

Is your infrastructure struggling to keep pace with your growth? Our cloud engineering services provide the foundation for seamless scalability. Effortlessly expand your resources to meet demand spikes and unlock the true potential of your business.

Cumbersome Integration

WIntegrating diverse systems and applications should be a breeze, not a bottleneck. We tackle integration challenges head-on, ensuring your systems work harmoniously, driving efficiency and collaboration across your organization.

Slow, inconsistent QA impacting quality

Don't let slow and inconsistent QA practices compromise your product quality. Our team incorporates cutting-edge QA methodologies, ensuring a robust and reliable software development lifecycle. Enhance product quality without sacrificing speed.

Unpredictable Cost-Outcome Relationship

Unpredictable cost structures hindering your financial planning? Our cloud engineering solutions offer transparency and control, allowing you to understand and optimize your cloud expenses. Achieve a predictable cost-outcome relationship for sustainable growth.

Regulatory Compliance and Security Demands

Every enterprise has its unique challenges. Whether it's compliance concerns, security intricacies, or specific industry requirements, our services are designed to address your individual needs.

Get past these challenges seamlessly and
soar with the cloud!

Transform Cloud Experiences Now

Our Cloud Engineering Solutions and Services

We help you chalk out a plan to take your existing on-premise solutions to the cloud. The assessment will take into account your context, considerations, and future requirements. Our customer-centric approach takes it a notch up, and we perform an in-depth analysis to present you with a comprehensive report on:

  • Your current solution architecture and design.
  • Reusability Analysis including what needs to be modified.
  • Infrastructure and/or cloud services you can leverage.
  • Bottlenecks in the current setup and repercussions.
  • Comparative analysis and recommendations on cloud platforms.
Cloud Advisory

Cloud platforms offer quick, painless ways to build cloud-native applications that deliver micro-services to end-users, resulting in a superior experience, if one knows the tricks of the trade. We understand platform features that accelerate development while easing maintenance, fitting tools, and processes that enable swift roll-outs. We help you through

  • Ground-up development of SaaS-enabled solutions.
  • Integration with OOB cloud services for faster development.
  • Injection of DevOps philosophy in SDLC for smarter maintenance.
  • Secure integration with your ecosystem.
Cloud Native Engineering

We understand that sifting through tons of documentation from several cloud vendors isn’t exactly a cakewalk. Having explored these technologies for a while, we can help you short circuit that by putting our knowledge and experience to good use in a well-encapsulated manner. To help you visualize ‘how’ you can reap the business benefits of the cloud, we

  • Put in place the solution design for the cloud, customized to your context.
  • Plan a migration strategy for a smooth transition to cloud.
  • Identify KPIs for aspects such as application usage, performance, resource usage, and more.
  • Recommend roles and team structure needed for implementation and support.
  • Harmonize processes that make maintenance and release easier in future.
Cloud Application Migration

Completion of development doesn’t mark the end of responsibilities for a product manager. In fact, it lies in managing the solution/product after that. We help you ease that out by implementing processes and tools in the cloud that make release management, support, and operational expense planning easier. This is enabled through

  • CI/CD, cloud provisioning, scale management, security scans, vulnerability testing, performance testing etc.
  • Management of scripts, databases, servers, version control systems, load balancers, firewalls, and containers.
  • Monitoring environments and configuring necessary controls to manage resources such as memory, CPU, storage, services etc.
  • Maintenance and support of your application portfolio through enhancements, hotfixes, patches, and major/minor releases.
Cloud Deployment and DevOps

Our Cross-Industry Expertise

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by each industry. Our team of cloud engineering experts brings a wealth of experience across multiple industries. Take a look at what we can do for them.


WeIn the finance sector, legacy systems can be a bottleneck. Our cloud engineering experts specialize in seamless migration, ensuring a frictionless transition to the latest cloud infrastructure. Experience heightened performance, fortified security, and substantial cost reductions, transforming your financial operations into a dynamic, digital powerhouse.


Manufacturing demands precision, and so do our cloud engineering solutions and services. Optimize your production cycle with cloud-based data analytics and real-time monitoring. Enhance supply chain management, uplift product quality, and boost efficiency—every process fine-tuned for maximum output and future-proof resilience.


In the competitive retail arena, our cloud engineering services create a solid foundation. Craft scalable and secure e-commerce platforms tailored to your needs. From cloud-based inventory management to logistics solutions, we address pain points specific to the retail journey, allowing you to improve customer experiences while strategically minimizing operational costs.


Logistics thrives on real-time insights. Our cloud modernization services empower companies to optimize transportation and supply chain operations. Gain data-driven solutions that provide instant visibility into every facet of your logistics network. Make informed decisions, navigating the complexities with efficiency and

Living on the Cloud

With expertise spanning across multiple cloud platforms, we can help you make better choices

  • CDN

    CDN, Traffic manager, Cross regional load balancer

    CloudFront, 53, Global Accelerator

    Cloud CDN, Cloud DNS, Global Load Balancing

  • Compute, Web & API

    App Service, Functions, Service Fabric, API Management

    Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, App Mesh, API Gateway

    CAPP Engine, Cloud Functions, Anthos Service Mesh, Apigee

  • Containers

    Container service, AKS Container Registry, Container Instances

    EC2 Container Service, ECS Kubernetes Container Registry, Farget

    Cloud Run, GKE, Container Registry

  • Database

    Azure SQL, Cosmos DB, Redis

    RDS, DynamoDB, Elastic Cache

    Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, Bigtable, Redis Enterprise cloud

  • DevOps

    Deployment slots

    Swap Environment URL

  • DevOps

    DevOps, Monitor

    CodeBuild, CloudWatch, CloudDeploy, CloudCommit & CloudPipeline

    Operations, Cloud Trace. Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Identity & Security Services

    Azure AD, Azure Security Center, Key Vault, Active Directory, AD Ext Identity

    IAM, Directory Service, Cognito, Secrets Manager

    Cloud IAM, Security Command Center, Multi-factor Authentication

  • Management/Governance

    Azure Billing/API, Monitor

    EC2 Manager, Usage & Billing Report

    Cloud Billing, Monitor

  • Messaging

    Queue storage, Service bus, Event Grid, SignalR

    Simple Queue Service, Amazon EventBridge

    Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Miscellaneous - AI/ML

    ML.Net, Azure Machine Learning

    SageMaker, Rekognition

    AI Hub , AI Building blocks - sight

  • Miscellaneous - Anywhere connect service

    Logic Apps

    Step function, SWF


  • Miscellaneous - Email


    Simple Email Service

    App Engine Mail and Queue

  • Migrate/Upgrade

    Data Migration Assistant & Service, Azure Migrate

    Database Migration Service

    Google Storage Transfer Service, BigQuery DTS

  • Network

    VPN, CDN, Express Route, Load Balancer, Application Gateway

    VPC, Cloud Front, Route 53, Global Accelerator, Direct Connect

    VPC, Cloud CDN & DNS, Network load balancing, Cloud Interconnect

  • Storage

    Blob Storage, Managed Disks. Files, Cool tier, Archive access tier, Stor Simple, File Sync, Backup

    Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastics Block Store, Elastics File System, S3 IA, S3 Glacier, Backup, Storage Gateway, DataSync

    Cloud Storage, Persistent Disk, Local SSD, Filestore, Backup

  • Virtual Environments

    Virtual Machines, Batch, VMware, CycleCloud

    EC2 Instances, Batch, VMware, Parallel Clusters

    Compute Engine, Batch, VMware service

  • Analytics

    Synapse Analytics, Power BI Embedded, HDInsight, Data Share

    RedShift, Lake Formation, EMR, Quick Sight, Kenesis Analytics

    BigQuery, Dataproc, DataStudio Looker

Click on the arrow above to see more.

Why Nalashaa

We've managed to crack the answer to the question, 'What is cloud engineering?'. As a result, your convenience is the focus of our effort and we ensure the following as your trusted partners translate your vision into reality.

Versatility across platforms (Azure, AWS, GCP)

Cloud Engineering best practices

DevOps discipline factored into design

End-to-end visibility of
on-ground ops

Leaner execution

Our Cloud Engineering Process

We follow a process with a proven methodology, ensuring successful project delivery and customer satisfaction. We go through the following steps:

Assessment icon

We begin by assessing our client's current IT infrastructure and business requirements. This helps us identify areas where cloud technology can be leveraged to improve performance and scalability.

design icon

Our team of cloud architects designs a custom cloud infrastructure that meets the unique needs of our clients. We take into account factors such as security, performance, and cost-effectiveness.


We follow the best practices and automation tools to deploy the cloud infrastructure in a timely and efficient manner. Our team ensures that all components are tested and configured properly.


We help our clients migrate their data and applications to the new cloud environment with minimal disruption to their business operations. Our team ensures that data is securely transferred and that all applications are fully functional in the new environment.


We provide ongoing cloud management and support to ensure that the cloud infrastructure continues to meet the evolving needs of our clients. We monitor performance, security, and cost-effectiveness to identify areas for improvement and optimization.


We analyze the performance of the cloud infrastructure to identify areas for optimization. Our team implements changes to improve performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Strengthen your Digital Transformation with
Scalable Solutions, Today!

Connect with Cloud Engineering experts at Nalashaa and begin your cloud transformation journey, today.

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