Have you ever wondered what the world would be without data? Every single thing in the world is governed by data, and IT systems are not an exception. Like all systems, iSeries/AS400 has a database server called DB2. Now most CTOs out there wouldn’t think about modernizing their DB2, as either they are unsure about the final results or just don’t consider database as a priority for achieving the IT roadmap that is already setup.

2022 Priority List for AS400 Database Optimization for CTOs:

  • Modernization: Modernization is one of the key upgrades when it comes to data management for iSeries. Upgrading to DDL doesn’t require you to recompile the program even after changing the index. All systems run into performance bottlenecks and IBM i isn’t any different. Since it’s a legacy system software, performance needs to be monitored to achieve optimal results. Not every data present in your system is accurate or even relevant. Data cleansing should be done to make sure accurate data is present, as invalid data can hinder decision making and can be a nightmare during data migration. CTOs should be aware of these aspects while modernizing their iSeries database.
  • Data Migration: Moving away from DB2 or even complete migration from AS400 might sound tempting as you don’t have to deal with the legacy servers’ issues. Cloud is the easy way out for CTOs that don’t want to hire resources to manage and maintain servers. But it’s easier said than done. Getting mentally ready to move your DB2 data from on-premise to cloud is well and good, but more and more legacy system engineers are enjoying retirement or on the verge of it, and it isn’t logical for CTOs/CIOs to put their time into training young blood into understanding AS400. IT Heads just shouldn’t think data migration to cloud, but other platforms or data replication, without an expert, you are just taking a stab in the dark and that stab could end up in getting your hand cut off, which isn’t worth it. For CTOs who don’t want to spend on manual resources to handle their migration tasks, RPA can be an area for them to explore.
  • Data Recovery: Every IT team must have a disaster recovery plan. Most organizations that leverage iSeries, don’t possess a proper system documentation which hinders their chances of rebooting or reactivating their systems during an IT disaster. CTOs need to have a backup solution like high availability as a first line of defense as these solutions are immune to hardware, software and network failures, hence they make applications/programs run without a hitch.
  • BI and Analytics: This is probably the most important reason to consider taking a look at raw iSeries data. Any data that can’t be used as actionable insights is useless. Data visualizations can help make reports more effective and with self-service BI tool, users don’t require admin/IT permissions to create and access reports and data mode, this saves time for IT, too.


Above are the reasons why CTOs/CIOs must consider partnering with an iSeries software vendor with extensive experience in database services and modernization. Nalashaa has over a decade long experience working with organizations that leverage these legacy behemoths. Nalashaa has a suite of IBM i/Power system programming services that range from simple cloud migration to application modernization and AS400 support services. If you feel your iSeries data needs an overhaul, talk us at info@nalashaa.com.