AS400/iSeries systems have been integral to businesses for over three decades. IBM continually enhances hardware, releasing models with greater processing power. Yet, optimizing installed software for maximum efficiency remains challenging due to manual interventions. Discover a more economical and precise solution in AS400 with RPA as you read on.

AS400 and RPA - The Ideal Pair to Fix Your iSeries Problems?

iSeries automation is the key to increasing your business process efficiency without worrying about downtime and ROI. The solution

Here’s how RPA can be go well beyond the rudimentary workflow automation

  • Efficient Data Management: Automate data entry tasks, reducing errors and enhancing productivity. This task may sound trivial but most organizations have a dedicated pool of manual resources earmarked for this task. Manual tasks like entering invoice data for thousands of transactions need a lot of man-hours and are prone to errors. Automation, however, can speed things up by uploading data into 5250 green screens with precision.
  • Rapid Issue Resolution: Streamline IT support processes, improving response times and user satisfaction. One of the biggest issues for IT teams is responding to multiple service requests. Automation can easily capture data from users, highlight their issues, send an update to users when the issue is resolved, and update the ticket status.
  • Marketing Optimization: Utilize bots to manage leads, automate email campaigns, and extract valuable insights for marketing strategies. Bots can capture and review incoming leads and update in your CRM/marketing automation tool for Sales to act on. RPA bots can send automated emails to your clients, potential customers, extract data for analysis, social media monitoring, and more.
  • Seamless Data Handling: Simplify data extraction and reporting from diverse sources, facilitating informed decision-making. RPA bots can easily move data in a usable format. They can download data from your CRM solution, analytics solutions, and social media, and then create reports and send them across to concerned stakeholders.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensure regulatory compliance with automated audit processes, minimizing risks and enhancing trust. RPA bots can perform mock verifications for any regulatory compliance about systems software.
  • Proactive Monitoring: Receive real-time alerts for server and network issues, preventing disruptions and minimizing downtime. RPA bots can send notifications to the concerned engineer about server breakage and network outage issues, potentially saving thousands of dollars due to damages or client loss.

Business Benefits you can reap by leveraging RPA

  • Improved Productivity: Automation can ramp your productivity by automating workflows and saving time on redundant tasks, be it customer services, lead notifications, data pull, or ticketing.
  • Increased Revenue: Revenue for the organization drastically increases as automation saves cost and speeds up tasks, especially in Marketing and Sales teams.
  • Customer Experience: Automating workflows reduce errors and delay which is a part and parcel of manual work. Customers/clients are given resolutions quicker than expected.
  • Cost Efficient: Automation doesn’t just speed up your work, it also eliminates manual intervention. Thus, eliminating the need to employ a resource to do mundane tasks, organizations can invest those unused dollars in high revenue yielding tasks.


Above are reasons why you as a technology leader should strongly consider implementing automation for your iSeries systems this year.

Why you may want to consider Nalashaa?

Man Years Saved Dollars Saved No of RPA Bots Deployed Industries Served
9700 $1 Billion 100+ 7+

Nalashaa has extensive experience in iSeries and other legacy systems that ranges from automation to complete AS400 modernization. Speak with our team to deploy RPA on your AS400/iSeries/Power Systems, today. Talk to us at