When an organization built and controlled its own networks, it was imperative that the security would vary and was largely dependent on the organization requirements. But, with a cloud infrastructure setup, the security methodology and requirements change significantly. And many of those who try to attempt to tackle the issue the same way might come face to face with a crisis situation ahead in the future.

Let me try to explain what is it that is really different when you talk about a cloud network. This might seem like a very run down version, which it is, but this should help you understand what is that you need help with.

Cloud Network

  1. The cloud network is very rarely owned by the organization. The entire premise of the cloud is in building the cloud infrastructure as a service via a provider. In this case, the server alone is used by the organization, and the rest of the connectivity and network concerns are borne by the provider. This organization is not responsible for the security anymore; rather it is only involved in running the application and setting up application level security features.
  2. In the past, network security was delivered through hardware based applications which were placed on the network to enhance security. Cloud infrastructure, in most cases, does not give an opportunity to do this; hence it becomes all the more important to utilize a security as a service feature to secure cloud based networks. Identity and access management, network encryption services, web gateways configurations and remote vulnerability assessment are some of the services offered today by providers.
  3. Traffic flows in the cloud are very different and the uses of the cloud also vary a great deal. So, if you cannot protect the network in a foolproof manner, one thing that can be done is create tight user management, hardening/patching servers, checking application code, and encrypting data. The shift in architecture of the cloud has a great deal changed the way security is seen and managed.

Once you have got your cloud network set up, you can choose to have the security and checks taken care of, or you can choose to do it in-house. But, in our opinion, there are certain benefits when you opt for a service to take care of your cloud security.

Benefits of Security as a service

  1. Web Security – Spam and Virus protection using top class security features which are continuously monitored and improved upon. In – house teams might use the same tools but the continued updated intelligence is what a dedicated service can offer.
  2. End point security – Relocating security servers and management components to the cloud, will help small businesses manage security in a better manner
  3. Penetration Tests – Continually scanning for weak spots, classifying them, and recommending suitable countermeasures
  4. Event and log management – Spot anomalies and prevent organizational data risk. The security investigations are faster due to the central management of this data
  5. Integrated Solution – There exists no need for separate personnel or hardware requirements, the solution is delivered via the cloud for the cloud
  6. Uptime – Security service providers of the cloud guarantee 99.X percent uptime through the use of networked data centers.
  7. Cost – This is a perfect solution which will need neither any special security infrastructure nor the recruitment of any specialists to have these security measures in place

Over 75% of organizations still shy away from using data backup services on the cloud solely based on fear of data security, and about 70% of them have over 2TB of data which is required to be securely backed up. Cloud data centers with their convenience and secure features can offer a secure solution for these organizations.

Know more about Nalashaa Security as a Service Offering