What’s the first picture that comes to your mind when you think about AS400/i Series?

Is it that monochromatic green screen?

Well, that’s going to be the bygone era. A canvas painted with the palette of progress is waiting for you.

Find the journey marked by the shift from the AS400 Green Screen to GUI.

Adapting to New Interfaces: From AS/400 Green Screen to GUI

Why should you care about modernizing the AS/400 Green Screen?

Remember when you chose the AS400 system?

It was because it could do things faster, make tasks easier, and save time. But now, if you're spending a lot of time with no-brainer administrative tasks, it's not the system's fault – it's because you haven't updated it to keep up with the new and better ways of doing things.

Here's the thing: Your AS400 system was built a while ago to keep things safe and secure. But some of the ways it does that are causing problems now. It's like having a super strong lock on your door, but sometimes it's so strong that even you can't get in!

The AS/400 green screen, while serving as a stalwart for decades, has its set of constraints that modern enterprises must navigate. These limitations, once recognized, serve as catalysts for the transition towards GUIs, where functionality, aesthetics, and user experience intertwine seamlessly.

The Limitations:

  • Rigidity: The Green Screen's inflexible structure makes adapting or adding features a complex coding endeavor. Quick responses to evolving business needs are hindered by time-consuming development processes.
  • Graphical Constraints: Representing charts, graphs, and images – crucial for decision-making – is challenging within the text-based environment. In a data-driven world, this limitation obstructs informed decision-making.
  • Integration Challenges: The Green Screen struggles to seamlessly integrate with modern applications, web services, APIs, and cloud solutions. Today, these integrations are key for streamlined operations.
  • User Experience: The Green Screen's text-based, monochromatic setup lacks the visual appeal modern users expect. The absence of visual cues and intuitive navigation hinders engagement and efficiency.

To fix this, start thinking about transitioning from AS/400 Green Screen to GUI modern makeover, so it's secure but also easy for you and your team to use.

Want to know more about IBM i modernization and the latest upgrade requirements? Learn more here

Why Does AS400 Green Screen Modernization Matter?

Improve Productivity Through COBOL Complex Code Visualization:

Think of trying to assemble a complex piece of furniture using only a printed manual with written instructions. The AS400 Green Screen interface is similar, relying on text-based interactions. Now, imagine that the furniture instructions are incredibly detailed, with many steps and intricate parts. It will be challenging for you to fully visualize how everything fits together with just words.

This is how developers working with complex COBOL programs on the Green Screen might feel. These programs are like intricate sets of instructions for computers, filled with lines of code that need to work together seamlessly.

But the text-based Green Screen can make it difficult to understand the overall structure, the logical flow, and how different parts of the code connect.

Now, envision having an augmented reality (AR) headset. As you wear it, the furniture instructions come to life. You see 3D models of each part, and the headset guides you step by step, showing you exactly where each piece goes. This immersive experience helps you grasp the assembly process much faster.

Similarly, a modern GUI for complex code acts like that AR headset. It visualizes the code's architecture, logical flow, and connections. Developers can now quickly identify patterns, understand the code's logic paths, and optimize its performance.

Gain Competitive Edge Through Multitasking with GUI Environment:

Have you ever had your car stuck in traffic? That's how your AS400 feels when it's slow to switch between different tasks. But with a modern interface, it's like having a GPS that guides you through traffic and helps you take different routes effortlessly.

Modern interfaces allow developers to work simultaneously, test code in real-time, and collaborate seamlessly. This agility accelerates development cycles and nurtures innovation.

Let’s see some of the ways IBM i 5250 Green Screen modernization helps you multitask:

  • Allows users to open multiple windows or tabs simultaneously. Each window can display a different task, application, or document, enabling users to switch seamlessly between them without losing context.
  • Includes a task bar or an app switcher that provides a visual overview of all open applications and tasks. Users can quickly switch between applications by clicking on their respective icons, facilitating swift transitions and task management.
  • Supports drag-and-drop functionality. Users can drag files, documents, or data between different windows or applications, making it easier to share information and perform tasks concurrently.
  • Displays notifications and alerts in real-time, keeping users informed about events, updates, or incoming messages without interrupting their current tasks. Users can respond to these notifications while continuing with their ongoing work.
  • Many GUI applications can continue running tasks in the background while the user interacts with other windows or applications. For example, downloading files, installing updates, or performing data analysis can occur while the user focuses on other tasks.
  • Support split-screen functionality, allowing users to divide the screen between two or more applications or documents. This feature is particularly useful for comparing data, editing content, and multitasking within a limited screen space.

Adapt to Modern Expectations & Attract New Age Talent

Imagine if you walked into a room that was filled with old-fashioned, clunky typewriters and rotary phones. For younger folks who've grown up with sleek laptops and smartphones, this environment might feel quite alien and outdated. Similarly, the AS400 Green Screen interface, with its text-based design, can feel a bit like stepping back in time for newer generation developers.

Whereas the modern GUI interfaces are designed to resemble the graphical interfaces that younger developers are already familiar with from their everyday technology usage. These interfaces could be similar to what they encounter on their smartphones, tablets, laptops, or other devices.

Just like the icons, buttons, and user-friendly navigation they encounter in apps and websites, the modern GUI for mainframe applications adopts a similar approach. This ensures that young developers don't face a steep learning curve when transitioning to mainframe development, as the interface feels more intuitive and in line with what they already know.

Access Your Data Anywhere Anytime

One of the most tangible advantages of a GUI-driven approach is the empowerment of mobile access. The modern business landscape is no longer confined to traditional workstations. With GUIs, your applications gain the power to break free from desktop constraints and become accessible from any device connected to the internet.

This mobility advantage isn't just about convenience; it's about forging a connection between your workforce and vital data. Whether your team is on the move, working remotely, or needs instant updates, GUI-driven mobile access transforms accessibility, enhancing productivity and amplifying the value of your existing applications.

Bringing Your System into the Future

Imagine having a remote control for your ceiling fan. Instead of getting up from your seat, you can easily adjust the fan's speed or turn it on and off with just a click. This convenience makes managing your comfort effortless.

Now, consider your AS400 system. Just like you control your fan from a distance, a modernized AS/400 interface allows you to connect to it using different devices like your computer, tablet, or phone. It's like having a remote control for your AS400, giving you the power to manage it even when you're not sitting in front of it.

But there's more to it. This modern interface doesn't just bring convenience, it's like upgrading your remote control to a smart one. Picture having a remote that not only adjusts your fan's speed but also controls its lights and direction, all with a simple tap. Now, apply this concept to the modern AS400 interface – it smoothly integrates with automation tools, taking your system's functionality to the next level.

Just like a smart remote brings multiple functionalities to your fingertips, the automated pipelines and REST APIs enhance the quality of the work you do on the AS400. They streamline development processes, creating automated paths that perform various tasks without manual intervention. This automation saves you valuable time and effort, much like the convenience your smart remote brings to adjusting your fan.

Enhance User Experience Through User-Friendly Design

Modern interfaces ditch AS/400's keyboard-based navigation for clickable icons, dropdowns, and menus. Think about using a smartphone versus an old keypad phone. The smartphone has colorful buttons you can tap on, and you see pictures and animations. That's like the modern interface we're talking about for your computer system.

The old way on the AS/400 was like typing commands on a keyboard. But now, with the modern interface, you get buttons you can click on, just like on your phone. These buttons look nice and can show you different options when you click them.

GUIs offer features such as animated graphics, increased real estate for text and visuals, and adjustable graphic sizes. These features enhance the user experience by making data presentation more dynamic and interactive.

In a nutshell, this intuitive approach accelerates familiarity, enabling seamless navigation for developers and non-developers. Visual cues replace the need for memorizing obscure command lines, expediting onboarding.

Also Read: Top 7 Findings from 2023 IBMi Marketplace Survey: How AS400/IBMi Modernization Services can Help?

Modernization Pathways from AS/400 Green Screen to GUI

Modernizing your AS/400 system and transitioning to a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The path you take should align with your unique needs, goals, and existing technology landscape.

At Nalashaa, we understand this diversity and offer a comprehensive range of modernization solutions tailored just for you.

RPG Open Access

If your focus is on the seamless integration of modern technologies within your existing RPG codebase, RPG Open Access might be the path for you.

For example,

If you want to make your old computer system work with new and fancy technology without changing everything, then RPG Open Access could be the way to go. It's like adding a special connector that lets your old programs talk to the new stuff easily. And the best part is, you don't have to use the usual complicated ways to make them understand each other. It's a smoother and simpler path to upgrade your system.

Screen Re-facing

For those seeking a quick and easy transformation without altering the code, Screen Re-facing offers a 'read and write' data interaction method through hosted HTML/CSS webpages. The result? A modern interface without the need for intricate coding changes.

In a nutshell,

Screen Re-facing is like changing the car's body. You keep the engine as it is, but you put on a new coat of paint, change the seats, and add some stylish new accessories. Your car looks different and more modern, but the way it runs stays the same.

API & UI Framework

If you envision a future-ready design that leverages REST APIs and creates new screens, the API & UI Framework might align with your goals.

Imagine you're building a futuristic house with all the latest gadgets. You want your house to be smart, so you can control everything from your phone. That's where the API & UI Framework comes in for your computer system.

Think of it like designing your house to have special doors that connect to other houses. These doors use something called "REST APIs" to talk to each other. It's like your house's special language that allows it to share and get information from other houses (or computer systems) easily.

Zend PHP Server

Native integration is the key feature of Zend PHP Server. This option is ideal for those who want to deploy modern applications within a user-friendly programming environment, enhancing your system's capabilities without reinventing the wheel.

Think of native integration like plugging in an accessory that works perfectly with your smartphone without any extra setup. Zend PHP Server is like that for your computer system. If you're looking to add new and modern tools to your system without starting from scratch, this is a great choice.

Kickstart Your AS/400 Green Screen to GUI Journey with Nalashaa

Transitioning to a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is not just about aesthetics; it's a leap into efficiency, collaboration, and modernization. Nalashaa stands ready to guide you through this transformation, ensuring your AS/400 system adapts, empowers, and propels your business toward a future where technology is a competitive advantage. Step into this new era with us, where every click signifies progress.