Are you getting the dreaded "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of iOS" message? It’s like your app is throwing a tantrum, demanding a shiny new upgrade. Don’t worry — we’re here to help you understand why this is happening and how to fix it, with a sprinkle of fun along the way.

Why Are You Getting This Message?

Seeing this message can feel like getting a "404: Fun Not Found" error on your app. Here’s why it’s happening:

Deprecated APIs:

Older apps may rely on outdated APIs that iOS 17 doesn’t support. It’s like trying to play a vinyl record on a Bluetooth speaker—just not compatible. Developers need to replace these old APIs with new, supported ones.

Design Overhaul:

iOS 17 is all about sleek, modern design principles—deference, clarity, and depth. If your app still looks like it’s wearing bell-bottoms and shoulder pads, it’s time for a makeover to match the new aesthetics.

Performance Optimizations:

iOS 17 is a powerhouse, optimized for speed and efficiency. Apps that aren’t updated might lag or crash, much like trying to run a marathon in flip-flops. Updating your app ensures it can keep up with the new performance standards.

Also read: A Guide to iOS App Development

Fixing the Issue:

To fix the compatibility issues, developers need to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Here’s how:

Run and Test:

First, test your app on both older iOS versions and iOS 17. It’s like conducting a before-and-after comparison to see where your app stumbles in the new environment.

Update UI Components:

Revamp your app’s UI to align with iOS 17’s flat design principles. Think of it as giving your app a fresh coat of paint and new furniture—modern, stylish, and user-friendly.

Optimize Performance:

Replace deprecated APIs, streamline resource usage, and leverage iOS 17’s advanced capabilities. It’s like tuning up a vintage car with a new engine, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently.

Practical Steps for Transition

Run and Test:

Use simulators to test your app across different iOS versions. Identify and document differences, ensuring no stone is left unturned. This thorough approach helps in pinpointing exact areas for improvement.

Update UI Components:

Redesign interactive elements to fit iOS 17’s aesthetic. Modern icons, buttons, and text ensure a cohesive, visually appealing interface, making your app a joy to use.

Optimize Performance:

Clean up your code, remove deprecated APIs, and optimize performance. Utilize iOS 17’s enhanced system capabilities for a buttery-smooth user experience.

Fix the issue today!

Hybrid App Considerations

For hybrid apps that blend web content with native components, additional steps are necessary:

Web Views:

Update CSS to reflect iOS 17’s design principles. Ensure consistent styling and smooth transitions between web and native views, maintaining a cohesive look and feel.


Test web components for compatibility with iOS 17’s rendering engine. Conduct extensive testing across devices and screen sizes to ensure a consistent user experience.

How to Download iOS 17

For users eager to embrace iOS 17, here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Check Compatibility: Ensure your device supports iOS 17 (iPhone X and later models, iPad Pro models, newer iPad Air, and iPad mini models).
  • Backup Your Device: Use iCloud or iTunes to back up your device, safeguarding your data during the update process.
  • Connect to Wi-Fi and Power: Ensure a stable Wi-Fi connection and keep your device plugged into a power source to prevent interruptions.
  • Download and Install: Navigate to Settings > General > Software Update. Tap "Download and Install" for iOS 17 and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Set Up Your Device: Complete the setup process after the installation, customizing your settings and enabling new features.

Popular iOS 17 Applications You Can Look For

Check out these popular apps to see how they’ve adopted iOS 17’s design and functionality:

  • Evernote: Embraced flat design with clean interfaces and enhanced note-taking features, showcasing iOS 17’s design principles.
  • Spotify: Updated with vibrant colors and simplified navigation, reflecting iOS 17’s minimalist aesthetics for a better user experience.
  • Instagram: Improved navigation and flat design elements for a seamless user experience, making the app more intuitive and visually appealing.
  • Pocket: Incorporated clean lines, simple icons, and smooth animations for a seamless reading experience, aligning with iOS 17’s focus on clarity and simplicity.
  • Pinterest: Introduced a flatter, more vibrant interface, enhancing the idea discovery process and making the app more engaging.

Need more help?

Tools and Resources


Use the latest Xcode for development and testing, which includes essential tools and APIs for iOS 17, ensuring access to all the new features and improvements.

Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines:

Follow these guidelines meticulously to ensure your app meets iOS 17’s design standards, providing detailed instructions on implementing the new design principles effectively.

Testing Frameworks:

Utilize testing frameworks like XCTest to automate and streamline the testing process, ensuring comprehensive coverage and consistency across your app.


Transitioning to iOS 17 is more than just a visual update – it’s a complete redesign and optimization. By adhering to iOS 17’s design principles of deference, clarity, and depth, and thoroughly testing and optimizing your app, you ensure a modern and seamless user experience. This comprehensive approach keeps your app competitive, user-friendly, and engaging. So, don’t leave your users frustrated with outdated apps – embrace iOS 17 and deliver an exceptional experience. Reach out to our highly skilled team of industry stalwarts at and get the guidance and expertise you need today. Happy updating!