The IBM i platform, previously known as AS400, has stood the test of time with its unmatched reliability, scalability, and flexibility. However, as businesses evolve and the demand for efficiency rises, even this robust system can benefit from modern technological advancements. One such advancement is automation, particularly Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Integrating automation solutions for IBM i can revolutionize your operations, streamline processes, reduce errors, and free up your team to focus on strategic tasks that drive business growth.

Why Automation Solutions are Crucial for IBM i

The Challenge with Manual Processes

Manual processes have long been a bottleneck for businesses. Whether it's data entry, report generation, invoice processing, or any other repetitive task, these activities consume a significant amount of time and resources. Moreover, they are prone to human error, which can lead to inaccuracies, rework, and increased operational costs. In industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and banking, these challenges are particularly pronounced, as these sectors often deal with large volumes of data and complex workflows.

For example, in a manufacturing setting, manual data entry can delay production schedules, leading to missed deadlines and dissatisfied customers. In healthcare, errors in patient data entry can have serious consequences, affecting patient care and compliance with regulations. Retail businesses might struggle with inventory management and order processing, while banks could face challenges in processing transactions and managing customer data.

These issues highlight the need for a strategic solution that can handle repetitive tasks efficiently and accurately, allowing businesses to focus on core operations. This is where RPA comes into play.

The Solution: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is a technology that uses software bots to automate repetitive tasks. These bots can mimic human actions within digital systems, performing tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, ERP updates, email handling, and more. For IBM i systems, RPA can replicate screen-based processes, enabling seamless integration and operational efficiency without the need for extensive changes to the existing setup.

Imagine having digital workers who can tirelessly perform the same tasks over and over without making mistakes, getting tired, or needing breaks. This is essentially what RPA offers. It frees up your human workforce to concentrate on tasks that require creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving—areas where humans excel.

A seamless implementation awaits!

Benefits of Automation Solutions for IBM i Systems

Boost Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of RPA is the boost in efficiency. By automating mundane and repetitive tasks, RPA can save a considerable amount of time and effort for your team. This not only speeds up processes but also ensures consistency and accuracy. For instance, tasks that previously took hours can be completed in minutes, freeing up your employees to focus on more strategic initiatives that add real value to the business.

Consider a scenario in the finance department where RPA is used to automate the reconciliation of accounts. What used to take a team of accountants days to complete can now be done in a fraction of the time, with greater accuracy. This allows the finance team to focus on analyzing financial data and making informed decisions, rather than getting bogged down by routine tasks.

Eliminate Errors

Human errors are an inevitable part of manual processes, but they can be costly. Incorrect data entry, missed steps, and other mistakes can lead to significant issues down the line. RPA virtually eliminates these errors by ensuring tasks are performed exactly as programmed, with no deviation. This precision not only reduces data-related losses but also enhances the overall quality of your operations.

For example, in the retail sector, inventory management is a critical task that requires high accuracy. Mistakes in inventory counts can lead to stockouts or overstocking, both of which are detrimental to the business. With RPA, inventory counts can be automated, ensuring accurate data and optimal stock levels.

24/7 Operations

Unlike human workers, RPA bots can operate around the clock without breaks, ensuring continuous productivity. This 24/7 uptime is particularly beneficial for global businesses that need to operate across different time zones. It reduces dependency on human staff for repetitive tasks and significantly cuts down operational costs.

Imagine a customer service department where RPA bots handle routine inquiries and support tickets at all hours. This ensures that customers receive timely responses, improving customer satisfaction and allowing human agents to focus on more complex issues that require a personal touch.


As your business grows, so do your operational needs. Automation solutions for IBM i provide an easy and cost-effective way to scale operations. By cloning existing bots or creating new ones for additional tasks, you can expand your automation efforts without a significant increase in cost or complexity. This scalability is crucial for businesses looking to grow efficiently and stay competitive.

For instance, a logistics company can start by automating order processing and then gradually expand automation to other areas such as shipment tracking, inventory management, and customer notifications. This scalable approach allows the company to handle increased volumes of orders and shipments without needing to hire additional staff.

Process Transparency

Automation brings a level of transparency to processes that is difficult to achieve with manual methods. Every action taken by an RPA bot is logged, providing a clear audit trail. This transparency makes it easier to track workflows, monitor performance, and identify any issues or bottlenecks. It also facilitates compliance with industry regulations and standards.

In the healthcare industry, for example, maintaining detailed records of patient interactions and treatments is essential for compliance and quality care. RPA can automate the documentation process, ensuring that every interaction is accurately recorded and easily accessible for audits and reviews.

Seamless Integration

RPA can integrate with various applications within your IBM i ecosystem, ensuring a harmonious operational environment. Whether it's your ERP, CRM, or other legacy systems, RPA can interact with these applications just like a human user would, but with greater speed and accuracy. This seamless integration enhances the overall efficiency of your operations.

For example, in a bank, RPA can be used to automate the process of updating customer records across multiple systems. When a customer changes their address, the RPA bot can update this information in the CRM, core banking system, and any other relevant platforms, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the board.

Also read: Is AS400 with RPA more than just a trifle solution?

Industry Use Cases for RPA in IBM i Applications

Financial Operations

In the financial sector, RPA can automate a wide range of tasks, including accounting, data entry, invoicing, tax calculations, receipt tracking, and payment status updates. By automating these processes, businesses can reduce the risk of errors, improve accuracy, and speed up financial operations.

For instance, a finance department can use RPA to automate the process of reconciling accounts. The RPA bot can extract data from various sources, compare it, and highlight any discrepancies. This not only saves time but also ensures that the reconciliation process is accurate and efficient.

Human Resources

RPA can significantly enhance HR operations by automating tasks such as tracking timesheets, calculating employee benefits, storing and retrieving documents, and issuing employee onboarding information. This not only improves efficiency but also enhances the employee experience by ensuring timely and accurate HR processes.

Consider a scenario where an HR department uses RPA to automate the process of onboarding new employees. The RPA bot can send out welcome emails, set up accounts in various systems, and ensure that all necessary documents are signed and stored. This streamlined process allows new hires to get up to speed quickly and reduces the administrative burden on HR staff.


In the retail sector, automation solutions for IBM i can be used to automate inventory audits, returns processing, shift assignments, attendance tracking, customer support, and supply chain monitoring. This improves operational efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances the customer experience.

For example, a retail chain can use RPA to automate the process of tracking inventory levels across multiple stores. The RPA bot can monitor sales data in real-time, adjust inventory levels accordingly, and generate alerts when stock levels are low. This ensures that products are always available for customers and reduces the risk of stockouts.


RPA can optimize procurement processes by automating purchase order generation, requisition approvals, invoice processing, MRO re-orders, contract management, category management, and supplier relationship management. This not only speeds up procurement processes but also enhances accuracy and compliance.

Consider a procurement department that uses RPA to automate the process of generating purchase orders. The RPA bot can extract data from requisitions, create purchase orders, and send them to suppliers for approval. This reduces the time and effort required to manage purchase orders and ensures that procurement processes are efficient and error-free.


In the logistics industry, RPA can automate shipment scheduling, inventory tracking, order processing and payments, and vehicle tracking. This improves efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances the overall customer experience.

For instance, a logistics company can use RPA to automate the process of scheduling shipments. The RPA bot can extract data from customer orders, determine the best shipping routes, and generate shipment schedules. This not only speeds up the scheduling process but also ensures that shipments are delivered on time and in the most cost-effective manner.

Also read: Simplifying Automated Report Generation on AS400

Addressing Concerns about RPA in IBM i Systems

Ensuring Data Integrity

One common concern about RPA is whether it might interfere with data integrity. However, RPA operates at the presentation layer of applications, meaning it interacts with the user interface just like a human user would. It does not alter the underlying data or business logic, ensuring that your system's integrity remains intact.

For example, when an RPA bot is used to enter data into a system, it follows the same steps that a human user would take. It does not directly manipulate the database or application code, ensuring that the data remains secure and the system operates as intended.

Maintaining System Security

Another significant concern is the impact of RPA on system security. RPA solutions are designed with security in mind, often incorporating encryption and other security measures to protect sensitive data. By operating at the presentation layer, RPA minimizes the risk of unauthorized access to the underlying system.

Additionally, RPA tools typically include detailed logging and auditing capabilities. These features allow administrators to monitor bot activities closely, ensuring that all interactions with the system are transparent and traceable, further enhancing security.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Organizations in regulated industries often worry about compliance when implementing RPA. Fortunately, RPA can be configured to adhere to regulatory standards by enforcing consistent processes and maintaining thorough records of all activities.

For example, in the financial sector, RPA can help ensure that all transactions are conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements by following predefined steps and maintaining an audit trail. This not only helps in achieving compliance but also in quickly identifying and rectifying any discrepancies that may arise.

Parting Thoughts

If your current AS400-based workflows are hindering your service quality and ROI, exploring RPA for IBM i might be the solution you need. RPA can transform your operations, making them more efficient, accurate, and scalable. It allows your team to focus on strategic tasks that drive business growth, rather than getting bogged down by repetitive tasks.

At Nalashaa, we are committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your IBM i system. Our team of experts can work with you to develop and implement automation solutions for IBM i that meet your specific needs. Contact us to learn more about how we can help optimize your IBM i environment and drive your business forward. Leave your details on the form, and let’s start the conversation about transforming your operations with automation.