Overcome 3 Key Challenges of Application Maintenance for Seamless Business Operations

Jun 19, 2023

In today's ever-evolving technological landscape, application maintenance services play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of software systems...

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Winning the 2021 Mobile App Battle

Jan 27, 2021

The end of the year 2020 has also marked (optimistic) the end of the horrific chain of events that characterized it. ...

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iSeries – it’s been a decade already. What is it that the CIOs need to focus on?

Jan 19, 2021

The first two decades were a bonanza for AS400 users as the modern applications were yet to be born & there was an abundance of programmers and developers showing deep interest in the machine. ...

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Must Have Product Engineering Technologies of 2021

Jan 18, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of organizations, and ISVs must rise to the occasion by upgrading their technologies and building better solutions. ...

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Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

Apr 02, 2018

Predictive maintenance might sound like a buzzword but I have seen it in action. I can take the credit for implementing it and rendering it useful for end users.I spoke about predictive maintenance and how it can work across industries in a? webinar.Predicting unplanned failures can be beneficial to-Warranty CostWarranty cost ha...

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Asset Maintenance and System Reliability go Hand in Hand.

Mar 29, 2018

System reliability, uptime and downtime measures are core to industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas pipeline. Reliability measurement also plays an important role for consumer-oriented services such as gas stations, ATMs, and electric charging stations. Measuring these inter-related measures helps us check system’s health...

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Analytics and Trends Evolution in the Airline Industry

Jan 25, 2018

I always follow research efforts by MIT Center of Transportation.  It is an easy way to know the problems that mature airline industry of North America is facing and attempting to solve.  Another such department active in the field of airline industry was (and still is) the ISYE- Industrial and Systems Engineering department at ...

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BI tools and Data Analytics to boost Retail sales and performance analysis

May 17, 2017

We have talked about Business Intelligence in Retail prior to this too, where we discussed how customer acquisition and analyzing customer data is key for a successful retail business. Now we will talk about how we can analyze sales and performance and use BI tools to help in decision making.BI is nothing but a tool which helps ...

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The How and Why of Business Intelligence in Retail

Mar 06, 2017

The retail business  involves the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn profit. There are many challenges which these retailers face on an ongoing basis, where the primary two are – competition for customers and the expenses involved in running a retail...

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