The end of the year 2020 has also marked (optimistic) the end of the horrific chain of events that characterized it. 2021 is touted to be a promising year for business, with enterprises already showing encouraging signs of recovery. For the mobile app sector, the year heralds unexplored opportunities, and app developers must pull their socks up to capitalize on the trends to repower the business growth wheel that came to a halt in 2020.

Did you know?

  • Smartphone users spend a whopping 90% of screen-on time on mobile apps.
  • 85% of consumers prefer using native apps over cross platform apps.
  • In 2021, revenue from mobile apps is set to cross $693 billion.
  • The average smartphone user has over 30 installed apps on their device.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Use Big Time

The possibilities of AI and ML have always fascinated application developers. In 2021, an unprecedented number of brands will invest heavily in these technologies to transform their brand image and the user experience of their apps. AI is being explored to provide businesses and developers with insightful recommendations to design better, personalized experiences for users. AI and ML are also being used to tighten up the security aspect of applications.

  • AI and ML-based chatbots and virtual assistants are changing the way customer service is delivered. Bots work round the clock and resolve queries at the earliest to delight customers.
  • ML enables marketers to better understand the preferences of their customers and prospects (based on their app browsing history), helping them in precise product pitching.
  • The year would witness a proliferation of AI-based health-monitoring apps that can track the daily activities of the user, monitor their vital stats, and keep care providers informed.
How ML Helps Mobile App Developers

Mobile Commerce Will Garner More Popularity

The Covid-19 pandemic has once again underlined the demand and the growing trend among consumers to adapt to the digital way of executing transactions. Massive improvements in connectivity and security of mobile apps have spurred enterprises to offer services, products, and integrated payment gateways over the smartphone. The positive trend is prompting businesses to engage customers virtually by leveraging the latter’s mobile phone as the medium.

By 2021-2026, The mobile commerce market would register a CAGR of 27%.

  • Sellers are looking to cash in big-time on the massive streams of customer data by drawing insights about their preferences, spending habits, and income level of consumers.
  • Mobile apps are being reimagined to give users a more personalized experience by banking on data analytics and artificial intelligence.
  • Today, user experience is the primary factor that determines conversions and customer loyalty, which underline the roadmap for app developers.

M-commerce revenue in 2022 is expected to reach $423.24 million in the US.

APM and EMM for Elevate App Experience

The new norm of remote working culture has made it inescapable for businesses to focus and invest aggressively in enterprise mobile app development. Application Performance Management (APM) and Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM) would be the center of focus to ensure the quality and performance of mobile apps. APM helps eliminate the snag that can slow down app performance, thus becoming a preferred tool of testers to boost the overall app performance. The EMM platform enables workers in an organization to utilize mobile apps with a strengthened security framework.

  • APM can assess application behavior and deliver information about the OS and devices integrated with the app. It helps analyze user behavior and identify the popularity of app features.
  • Automated customer service mobile apps that extend self-service menus enable both the business and the customer to save a considerable amount of time.
  • More apps would be used to automate tasks such as case ticketing, triaging, and monitoring and help customer support staff to resolve tickets in a timely manner.

2021 gives a tempting opportunity to organizations to recover lost ground with intuitive business apps. However, to stay ahead of the curve, the already overburdened in-house IT team might not be the best option. This is where professional app development firms come to the rescue. A competent firm can help the client to zero in on the trend(s) to implement, devise a detailed roadmap to achieve it, and execute the plan efficiently to ensure success.

The value of the global outsourcing mobile app development market has reached $88.9 billion.

Join Forces with Nalashaa for Futuristic Mobile App Development

The world is adapting well to the changes of the post-Covid world. Leading businesses and industry leaders are embracing the change in their respective fields with technology as the anchor. For the app development industry, it’s critical to stay current with the evolving dynamics to keep ahead of the competition. We, at Nalashaa, serve as a strategic growth partner of leading ISVs and end-clients for building and enhancing mobile apps that are in-sync with the market needs – both technologically and aesthetically. A quick chat with us would help you assess our expertise in the area and give you a list of solid reasons to trust us with your app development requirements.