How to Overcome the Common RPA implementation Challenges?

Apr 06, 2023

Robotic process automation implementation services not only assist in taking over manual tasks but also help speed up the entire operations across your organization....

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Cost of RPA Implementation Services |Nalashaa Solutions

Apr 06, 2023

Employees in an organization spend days working on administrative tasks that negatively affect their productivity....

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Learn how to train an RPA Bot to minimize human supervision

Apr 06, 2023

Robotic process automation implementation services help create software bots that automate any task that is routine, rule-based, repetitive, and logical....

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How is RPA Improving Customer Service Across Channels?

Jan 20, 2023

Repetitive tasks such as data entry, data validation, call routing, billing, and invoices are common issues in customer service....

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Why Should Banks Line Up to Implement RPA?

Dec 30, 2022

As time goes on, technology has been penetrating every walk of life. In the banking sector too, it has found firm footing....

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Top 3 RPA Best Practices for Developers

Dec 29, 2022

Robotic Process Automation services have long been known to help businesses save time, eliminate manual errors, and boost employee satisfaction rates....

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How can RPA Services be the Solution to Human Resource Problems?

Dec 28, 2022

A Human Resource team is integral to the functioning of any business, given the key role it plays in the entire business ecosystem. ...

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Automation In Manufacturing: How Can It Help?

Nov 30, 2022

When we’re talking about the manufacturing industry, automation is a technology that has been on the rise for a decade....

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7 Step Must Have RPA Implementation Checklist: A C-suite Guide

May 19, 2022

It is a joyous day when an organization decides to adopt RPA. Say goodbye to repetitive, time-consuming processes, and hello to enhanced productivity and efficiency. ...

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Is AS400 with RPA More Than Just a Trifle Solution?

Mar 11, 2022

AS400/iSeries systems have been popularly used by businesses for over three decades now. The hardware limitations are constantly being ironed by IBM; they are releasing newer models with more horsepower to better process applications. ...

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Winning the 2021 Mobile App Battle

Jan 27, 2021

The end of the year 2020 has also marked (optimistic) the end of the horrific chain of events that characterized it. ...

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Robotic Process Automation comes to customer service representatives’ rescue

Dec 19, 2019

A typical call center workflow comprises countless repetitive tasks that do not require intelligence or decision-making to be executed....

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Tips to choose the right processes for RPA

Nov 04, 2019

This statement perfectly underscores the need for a detailed analysis of processes before choosing them for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). ...

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AI and RPA join forces to deliver Intelligent Automation

Nov 04, 2019

High productivity, better efficiency, and low associated costs are a few striking advantages associated with smart Robotic Process Automation (RPA) implementation. To put it simply, RPA is the automation of tasks that are high-volume, repetitive, rule-based, use structural inputs, and don’t involve human judgment. ...

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Involvement of the IT Department in RPA Implementations

Jul 22, 2019

In any RPA project, apart from the development aspect, there are a high number of other tasks that need to be performed competently to ensure its success. Particularly during the project implementation phase, the IT department plays a crucial role by setting up the system for production....

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Intelligent RPA in Banks- Bet your bottom dollars

Mar 20, 2019

A slow economy, further stimulated by a do-more-with-less culture is compelling enterprises to introspect and devise methods to boost productivity. Financial functions are under significant pressure and within the BFSI sector, there is a continuous evolution due to high competition.Banks are under pressure toAll this lands us at...

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Does RPA kill jobs?

Dec 12, 2018

We are creatures of habit. We like our routines and are wary of change. When faced with the unknown, we often jump to conclusions, and most probably the worst of it. And, new technology has the unique capability to incite fear, a far and wide spread fear. Just take a look at the articles which come up for a generic RPA search &#...

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How can RPA help in Healthcare RCM?

Mar 01, 2018

Recent research shows that the healthcare RCM market is projected to grow to USD 65.2 billion by 2025. This growing market would need skilled workforce, which is already a scarce resource. With this tremendous projected growth, hiring and retaining top talent will pose to be a huge challenge.Unlike other automated approaches, Ro...

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Data security for GDPR and long-term RPA solutions

Feb 27, 2018

In my previous blogs, I spoke about GDPR and use cases where Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can provide some quick wins and help organizations work towards GDPR adherence without making extensive changes to their processes and LOB applications. In this blog, I will discuss areas where RPA can provide long-term compliance.With ...

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GDPR PII : RPA solutions to address new PII identifiers

Feb 20, 2018

In my previous blog, I introduced how RPA can address some of the mandatory obligations put in force by GDPR. Here, I take up the scope of GDPR personal identifiable information (PII) and how RPA can address some of the cases.GDPR increases the scope of personal identifiable information (PII) identifiers by including online iden...

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How can RPA address GDPR compliance needs?

Feb 13, 2018

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will come into effect on May 25th, 2018 and it replaces the existing 1995 EU Data Protection Directive. GDPR applies to all organizations gathering, processing and storing personal data of European Union citizens regardless of the organization location. Data covered under GDPR includes any data that can be used to identify...

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RPA in Claim Processing reduces Claim Denials

Jan 15, 2018

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) companies face numerous challenges, including claim denials and cost to collect. It is estimated that up to 40 percent of medical bills contain errors and a report by Advisory Board states that 90% of claim denials are preventable and can be corrected for payment. Claim denial management is a big o...

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OCR, ICR and RPA – The nuts and bolts

Dec 11, 2017

We spoke about Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and how bots can be used to speed up processes and remove unintentional errors which crop up during document management. The two techniques followed in the automation industry are OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition), to read any type of d...

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Integrating Regex in Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Nov 28, 2017

Regular Expression, REGEX, or regexp, sometimes called a rational expression, can be defined as a sequence of characters that form a search pattern.It’s like sorcery to a layman, something they don’t really comprehend, but want to make use of anyway, for it’s a very powerful tool, especially when used aptly and for the right pur...

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Robotics Process Automation – Revolutionizing IT Industry

Nov 14, 2017

Within IT organizations or any other industry, automation is the new entrant and is here to stay!Robotics Process Automation – giving way to Artificial Intelligence?  A speedy approach? Or error free technology? Or Productivity?According to industry statistics, 30-40% of project costs are rework. Automation is a natural er...

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Robotic Process Automation in Insurance Industry

Jul 11, 2017

(RPA) applies specific technologies to automate routine, standardized tasks in support of an enterprise’s knowledge workers. By freeing human employees from these mundane tasks to apply themselves to core business objectives, RPA offers a number of compelling benefits to the workplace. – Institute for Robotic Process Automation ...

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and its impact

Nov 09, 2016

In my last blog I touched upon Intelligent Enterprise Automation broadly covering Machine Learning, Autonomics, Machine / Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Today, I will focus on Autonomics and its impact on business and IT to be more specific.Autonomics are intelligent systems that apply self-adapting policies to...

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Enterprise Intelligent Automation – coming of age

Oct 24, 2016

By 2019, the global market for content analytics, discovery and cognitive systems software is projected to reach $9.2 billion, according to IDC, more than double that of 2014.Intelligent automation is rapidly coming of age. “Smart” machines and “smart” systems and “smart” bots are becoming mainstream. Intelligent automation whic...

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Test automation of GWT applications using Selenium WebDriver

Apr 28, 2014

With the advent of Software as a service (SaaS), responsive web applications running on Web 2.0 became more and more common. GWT by Google is a collection of tools that helps making applications running on web, more intuitive and responsive. The unique capability of GWT is that it compiles java code to highly optimized JavaScrip...

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What is Mobile Application Testing?

Nov 21, 2013

Your app is meant for end users, to be run on physical mobile devices, and hence it is important that the testing is also done on them.Speaking of mobile applications, there are two different natures of applications which run on mobile devices, native mobile applications and mobile web applications. The testing practices of each...

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Do Not Re-Invent the Wheel – Test Automation SIP Series

Apr 26, 2013

Continuing our conversation about tips for better software test automation, this time we would talk about reuse.Given the fact that many test automation initiatives suffer from time crunch, this aspect becomes even more important to understand. While it is very tempting to want to write your own framework for everything you need...

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Test Script Execution - Continuous Integration – Test Automation SIP Series

May 26, 2012

Continuous IntegrationPractice makes man perfect – so goes the old adage. This is even more true for tests. While there could be few scripts to be executed on-demand for certain situations, as a rule of thumb attempt should be made to include automation test scripts with a continuous integration system. If there is no continuous...

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6 Best Practices for Tracing and Logging in Test Automation – SIP Series

May 02, 2012

Since test automation scripts would run in most of the cases in scheduled mode unsupervised without any manual intervention, it becomes imperative to have solid tracing and logging mechanisms built into the automation framework so that if anything goes wrong, it is still possible to recreate the error and make meaningful logical...

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The Saga of Test Data – How does test data impact quality of test automation – Test Automation SIP Series

Mar 04, 2012

Impact of Test Data on Test AutomationWhat can make a good test a weak one? What can make a simple test an effective one?Data.Or Test Data to be precise.A test and its test-data are like body and soul. But like in real life, soul often gets neglected. While test developers focus a lot of their energies in automating most complex...

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Power of Abstractions

Feb 26, 2012

Traditional Approach...

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7 Key Best Practices of Software Test Automation

Feb 23, 2012

Test Automation is an integral part of any software development and sustenance project. However, research shows that 80% of test automation projects fail while the other 20% do not yield enough ROI. In this article, we share our experience of automating testing in several projects and how some of these best practices will make y...

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Test Code Deserves First Class Citizen Treatment – Test Automation SIP Series

Feb 19, 2012

First Things FirstContinuing the discussion about our distilled experience in test automation, we will continue our discussion, starting with the basics. Anyone who can type a semi-colon, can write code. Writing code is easy. Writing good code is not. And writing good code which can test other code is even more difficult. Common...

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